Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Doing your part to stop climate change

Oil companies and "conservative media" pundits argue, and refute the evidence about humanities impact on the environment. They claim given the vast amount of atmosphere is too great compared to what they sell to us to pollute it with.
Not so. Let me help conceptualize this to make it more clear. In 2003 the US was the worlds biggest consumer of oil at 20.1 million barrels per day. The world total was 80.1, and twice as much as India (2 mil) China (2 mil), and Russia (5 mil) combined! One quarter of the worlds crude oil.
That is roughly the size of a great lake set on fire and burning every year. If it all in one location it would be a great cause of alarm, but becaue it is spread out all over the world, people don't always see the connection. It is much like the frog that stays in the pot of water just because the heat is slowly being turned up.
According to a today show news report from "green is universal", segment, the earth should be slowly cooling. The trend that we are experiencing is that the median temperatures world wide have been rising, contributing to shorter winters, melting ice caps, and generally disrupting the delicate ecosystems that sustain life on earth.
What is worse, is where we get our oil from. Most of the oil consumed in the US comes from Middle eastern states that many believe support terrorism. The countries have also threatened to increase oil prices if war breaks out in Iran.
The military recognizes the need to convert it's fleet of gas guzzling jets, and other vehicles to alternatives like Natural Gas, and Hydrogen.
You can do your part to to cut off the funding to terror, and war, by going green. You don't have to wait for Chevy to make a hydrogen car available, or wait for Chevron to open up hydrogen pump at your local gas station.
You can do what many have done nation wide, and stop paying rediculous prices at the pump.

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